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Profile picture for Now&Me member @kirthy

kirthytalks @kirthy

I don’t know why i allways thinks negative. I convice my mind not to think but i don’t know what happens to me everytime when i think any random things. holy fuck🤪

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kirthy
8 replies

Rushikesh @iamrushikesh

Give your brain some break. Think of something different. Listen to a song and imagine yourself in that. Make some random stories doesn’t matter what your write, come up with any random story let the story be negative but it will atleast give a break to your brain.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kirthy

kirthytalks @kirthy

tq it was soo helpfulll🤗🤗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kirthy

kirthytalks @kirthy

i did this all time…but again n agian i can’t stop my self.
today also i heared some thing strange and my mind just went…i stopped myself not to think or be busy in someother work… but i failed

Rushikesh @iamrushikesh

Time is the best medicine, indulge yourself in something that is completely unique, the best option to take a break is to travel somewhere and to meet different type if people. Or else you can travel to a nearby village and talk with the villagers, request them for food, I am a filmmaker and I go to any random village and ask them about their life, I got to drink and eat organic foods straight away from the farms. This makes me happy. Also, find your Ikigai, if you don’t know what is Ikigai then read the book Ikigai or else search the term, its a Japanese word.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kirthy

kirthytalks @kirthy



Did you ever use to be on HaikuJam app?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kirthy

kirthytalks @kirthy

no what’s that???


snap me @striga_b2021


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