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I don’t know what yo say, but i have a successful career, all going well but i have no love life. I m pretty young but really never met someone. Its so lonely now as i feel more sad seeing successful love lives of ppl, i badly want a good contented love life. It never bothered until now as i was busy studying to meet goals but now it hurts . Plz plz help me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


I too have never been in relation. The people I used to like didn’t felt the same way for me and vice-versa. So, you can’t really do anything in it, do you?
If you meet someone and you feel something worth giving a shot, put in efforts and see is there a spark from his/her side too.

If you will compare with others, obviously you will feel like this. So, what if they did find one? You will too when your time will come. Or try online dating apps, some meaningful connections are found there.


I dont know why but I feel so good that you gave you everything to reach where you are. You accomplishments are something that never leaves you.

As for love life, you are young just go out and enjoy your life. Go to adventures, meet new people. Love will definitely come to you.


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