Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Body DysmorphiaThought


I don’t know what to write. I don’t know if I ever felt content with myself I don’t know if I ever had the courage to say myself that I love you. The way I say it to others. The way I love others. The kindness I show to others. When will I look myself the same way. When will I love this kid inside me. When will I say this lil girl that "hey, u pretty "
The way u smile, the way u laugh, the way u cry, the way u love others…gal! U a gem! Why do u need others appreciation or compliments? It’s okay if no one ever said it to you! But damn u gorgeous darling! And I love you! Don’t believe in those dark thoughts …will you?

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Shall we talk in dm?


Why not


Drop ur id


Ur i.d ?




Hey there, fabulous! It sounds like you’re having a heart-to-heart with your inner cheerleader, and let me tell you, she’s onto something! You’re like a rare diamond, but with better dance moves. So, next time you catch your reflection, give yourself a little wink and a high-five, because you’re rocking it! And remember, even Beyoncé has her off days, but she still slays. You’re a gem, inside and out, and I’m here to remind you of that anytime you need a pick-me-up!


Thanks. Prettiest thing some one said today!


You’re welcome feel free to ping me buddy

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