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I don’t know what to do with life. Not interested in anything husband friends family nothing just wanna run away somewhere.

7 replies

i know how it might feel i am 20 and i still feel running away somewhere to be never be found and just stop existing, but we all have to try to strive harder

its okay to feel anxious and sad or disinterested in everything and its completely fine but what matters is that you take care of yourself and rest properly so that you feel fine and better soon, don’t fight the sadness and disinterested feelings but try to see why are they there and try to drive those emotions out, it will help you feel a lot better


Thanks buddy your words make me look at the situation closely


Running away is not the solution
Everyone have problems in life
U can share with us


That’s true just one of those kind of situations where you can’t move ahead neither can you go back


If u like u can share it here
If someone gives u good advice about the situation


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