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I don’t know what to do i litrally don’t know today was my first day at 11th MPC maths physics chemistry i don’t think I can do it so iam thinking of shifting to CEC commerce economics civics the timing is 8:45 to 12:45 only i don’t wanna come home early i hate staying home since the day my father expired my mom has depression from a long time it’s been a year since my father passed away now my mom is saying she wanna get married i hate that idea she is not like she was before she stopped caring for me and my siblings she is seeing a new physcatrist hope tht helps (i am 15) but i wanna live in a hostel or atleast have someone who knows everything about me but will accept me

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Intrest is not everything na my mental health is getting destroyed with this problems

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When i think of my dream becoming a pilot 🤩 i love it but it’s just a dream can’t come true i have to be realistic cau i checked out flying school fees it 60 or 70 lakhs even my kidney can’t pay it🙂 and my mom she already takes care of her so much i don’t know if this is because of her meds but she has become selfish


Heyy you are going through hard time. I can’t even relate.
I think it’s time you think for yourself first. There are always short cuts and blame game for entire life try not to get stuck with it.
Your mom is taking care for herself let her do it. Support her if she wants to get married. You don’t give upon your dreams. You want to become pilot look for scholarships. Being pilot is not easy and once you become your doors to love support and respect will open. Be independent. People will come and go. Think about yourself first.
Hope this message helps you in some way.
Take care. Don’t give upon yourself.


Thanks alot stranger it made my day if she wanna get married i won’t be able to support her i will say nooo if she doesn’t listen i am gonna run away or do something to my self cauz i love my father more than anything


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