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I don’t know what to do anymore
So my life has always been messed up. I fell in love twice. And now I wanna give up on everything. I’ve been making myself throw up, I wanna hurt myself again, and now I just feel I’m not worthy enough for anyone. I wanna change my perspective but lately things have been going the wrong way.

4 replies

Just because things doesn’t to seem to work out you can’t just think that your are not worthy enough.If someone doesn’t know your worth it’s their mistake.
If there were no problems in life then there would be no meaning for life.Just remember all the good things that has happened to you.Please don’t hurt yourself
With love


Thank you, ofc I get you. I just had a rough past. But I appreciate it. I won’t hurt myself bc I learned from that, it just gives me thoughts. I’ve come a long way and just to mess it up again won’t be worth it.


You have been dating the wrong person who made you feel like that you aren’t worthy enough and if they made you feel like that then this wasn’t love. Love has no endings🖤 it just looked like love. It just happens once and for lifetime ☺️ only you can help yourself. Giving up will be giving up on yourself and on every good opportunities in your life you cannot do that to yourself, move on be strong and don’t fall into relationshipl until n unless you really really know the person from your heart!! And only if you’re ready to be in it again if it makes you feel like you’re going to hurt yourself again don’t be in it. Help yourself out and see a solution hope this helped stay strong 🖤


Yes, this helps. You’re completely right. The guy I fell for only wanted one thing. So I fell for the wrong person. Ty.


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