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Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I don’t know what to do

13 replies

Arpita Sur @arpitaaa05

You don’t have to know anything or everything. Just do what pleases you. Remember not to be harsh to yourself. Things will make sense gradually. :)

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

That won’t help with my transition. Nothing I do helps, not even talking with my family.

Arpita Sur @arpitaaa05

What is it about? If you’re comfortable sharing.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

That will only work temporarily, soon my family will remind me of my place and I’ll go back to wanting to kill myself

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

My gender transition

Arpita Sur @arpitaaa05

It’s a big deal. Even if you want it so much and so sure about it, your family needs time to process this and every thing about it is a scary big step that can’t be reversed.
Your family loves you, if you have the resources you need, just give them their time and while they process, let them know how much this means to you and matter to you. Show them people who have gone through gender transition, acceptance you need and love you need, they need to know else they won’t know.

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Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

They don’t say anything at all. Even after I speak or show them something


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