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3am ThoughtsThought

Raj @r4444444

I don’t know what I’m doing in my life !!!
I had many friends but now I don’t know if I have any.
When I’m alone I am always frustrated.
I don’t feel like doing anything . Sometimes I cry very hard .

29 replies

Crying helps us in getting our emotions out

Raj @r4444444

But still I’m sad and frustrated.


Is there anything going in your mind?

Raj @r4444444

Yes there are many things I had a very bad break-up 1 year ago and I haven’t even reacted to that properly. Because I was with my family and I didn’t want them to know how sad I was. I tried to hide all that pain.Then I started ignoring all the calls from my friends in 2 years I didn’t texted them. Then there was a pressure of job and it’s workload. Sometimes I wanna cry my heart out. I just don’t wanna do anything.


You created gap in those year. I feel you should take your time for yourself
You can talk here to anyone and start cleaning things from mind and if you have something of your partner remove it from your life
Make new friends or talk to the old one about the situation

Raj @r4444444

I’m trying but with all of this + I’m not moving anywhere in my life .

Raj @r4444444

I just don’t want anyone to just listen to me I want someone , someone to hug and cry my heart out.


Then you should make friends in real life or someone from gere who live in your city or someone you can meet anyone start talking to someone


You can focus on things you love you can read or you can start writing journal
Let the things get out of your head

Raj @r4444444

Well I’m introvert from the start so it’s really hard for me.

Raj @r4444444

Also no one will talk to me if I share all this .

Raj @r4444444

I really want to write a fictional story. But my writing is really bad ( Also I had thought of publishing book in the past but I don’t know how to write properly)


It’s hard because you think it’s hard



Raj @r4444444

I tried this few times

Raj @r4444444

I don’t know !


Just start writing
You can write it in laptop if your writing is bad
Just start it things will get in proper way
Without trying you can not tell anything so start it


Try try don’t fear be in fear of failure


Everyone will

Raj @r4444444

Okay will try .

What if still I don’t make any new friends


You will i know ☺️

Raj @r4444444

Will give it a try.


You should ☺️

Raj @r4444444

Can I know real you ?


Is it important?

Raj @r4444444

Yes it is !


Okay I will add you 😅

Raj @r4444444

Where ?


Here only I have add you😅
You will be getting a request


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