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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17

I don’t know what happened to my sister and me, we can’t have communication like till. Last year we were okay with eachother she use to share me everything and did the same but when I started going out from my school to college everything changed like everything we bearly have talked to each and when ever did we end up fighting i know it’s teenager she was short tempered from beginning but her attitude towards seeing everything has changed she think like whatever she says i think it’s bad and i never did that to her i don’t know this but i feel my sister is going far away from me our bond is breaking and we will never be the as we used to be …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank00mg
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17


Is this normal when you start moving towards your career , is this jealousy?

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17


I am not saying she should understand me or anything but it’s hurting me more she is not being same as we were i don’t know if it’s hatred but i love her , i know we’re are not being on same page always but it’s hard for me accept that the people who were your bestfriend are turning stranger completely ignoring as they don’t exist or u

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank00mg

Mayank @mayank00mg


Have you tried talking about this to your sister ?
Open up to your sister, she might be going through something.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17


Yeah alot of times but things get worst and i tell my mom she say it’s your destiny that u will not able to be with sis or have good bond β€Œ, it was told to her by guruji

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank00mg

Mayank @mayank00mg


Your mom might have told the same thing to your sister many times and it might be affecting her attitude towards you.
You’ll have to be the bigger person here, give you sister some time, be there by her side, she’ll definitely come back when she gets older

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17


No my mom don’t told this to my sis i also got to know this few months ago when i cried for her

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17


I hope it will happen as u say

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank00mg

Mayank @mayank00mg


It will definitely happen. You seem like a genuinely nice person, she too will see that soon.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17




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