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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Hansika @siya_07

I don’t know…
Lately a lots of stuff on my mind… Can’t seem to actually figure out what’s going on… Just moved from 10th to 11th…Started preparation for Jee… Everything’s going good… Catch concepts easily… Able to do questions… But just something seems to be missing… Really lost… Got cut off from all the friends… No on really willing to listen… Lost interest in all the the things I liked… … Nothing seems to make sense. … Is something wrong with me? And Now even gonna change schools. … Have only had girl centric education… Now being put in a co-ed school… Gives me really bad feeling… . Well… Let’s talk soon… If you feel like it…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sans13
Profile picture for Now&Me member @safz10
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254
Profile picture for Now&Me member @adithya3000
24 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sans13

Sans @sans13

I gave jee too ,In starting this happened to me also. No you won’t get cutoff just try being in contact with ur friends the real one will always be there ,and its good u are moving to co ed now don’t get a bad feeling about it.

Hansika @siya_07

But it’s new for me… All that I have heard is that… It’s gonna be troublesome 🥲

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sans13

Sans @sans13

In life new things will come at every point, you will do good. Just be happy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @safz10

Safi @safz10

I think most of the aspirants feel like this, but more importantly you should remember it’s a phase and it’s not permanent. You feel like you are gonna lose touch with your loved ones but later you are gonna collide with people whom you will feel good about.

Hansika @siya_07

Hopefully… But like we shifted our place… Gotten a new surrounding… People are too busy to talk for a while… 😓

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254

Is there a reason for your change in behaviour, or just you went in this phase

Hansika @siya_07

I don’t find any such reason… All I feel like is that I just wanna say everything on my mind… But you see the circumstances… All of my friends took the other subjects… Eventually I also moved houses and now gonna change school… The thing is that I know… It’s gonna work… But my patience doesn’t seems to help me out

Monika Meena @monika321


Hansika @siya_07

Hey dear… How are you doing!!

Hansika @siya_07

Hmm… I’m also good… I guess… Thanks

Hansika @siya_07

Well… People don’t actually ask you that… So if you do… It’s appreciatable…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254

Ohh k so the change in life making you nervous. I’d that so?

Hansika @siya_07

Yeah… And I have a guilt feeling when I’m not actually studying… Which actually is present 24/7… And so I end up spending 95% of my day sitting on the study table with absolutely 2-null productivity… The only thing I enjoy is during online class… And I have a tendency that every other time I compare myself to some other aspirant… That he / she would be studying when I’m wasting my time on some stuff which ain’t gonna help me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254

Please talk one to one may be I have a solution

Hansika @siya_07

But… I think it’s not late for me to start over again? Try to think a little less and work more towards my goal?? Guys?

sajid akhtar @sajid86



I also faced same situation but my advice is let everything keep going as it is everything will be in tracks automatically…🤞🏻

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Adithya Rao @adithya3000

Look… situation adaptation is important in this generation and remember one thing …your life is only yours and it is only for you…no matter where you are how you are just keep focusing and never give up don’t lose yourself and your emotions and feelings should not depend on others …now go ahead chase your dreams

Hansika @siya_07

Okie Bhaiya

Sakshi Yadav @k_lisa

Just relax it’s normal. Even i faced the same situation. Don’t care or think about the past make new friends especially the ones who are preparing for jee. It will help you in many ways as you guys will always have something to discuss and having good friend circle who are serious in life and academic is good

Hansika @siya_07

Thanks siso ❤❤

Akshay @cooldude123


Hansika @siya_07



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