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Mental IllnessThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @staarr

I don’t know if its just me. But I’m not too popular; and I don’t care because that doesn’t matter forever, I’m not a super model; thats okay as long as I have personality looks don’t matter, I’m used to getting abused; its okay because if someone’s made ill be their punching bag, I’m used to being apart of the crowd and goin with the flow and not really mattering; because I’m not used to the attention so why start getting comfy with it, I’ve tried to end it; but it never works so maybe thats a sign I’m meant to keep taking pain, I can’t speak around people I have to put on a fake personality; that’s okay no one will ever know who you are. I’m tired and so sad because I’m okay with things that aren’t okay but ill allow them to happen.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @staarr
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Why do you fake and not being your true self? What makes you take a step back?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @staarr

I never know how to be me. I don’t really know me. If that makes sense. I’m not crazy on standing up for myself I think I step back because…what if I don’t accept crappy behavior, what if I set the rules, what if I’m me with no apologies. What happens after that step what do I do, who’s going to be there for me. Not Everyone likes to follow the rules, sometimes other people like to set the rules so so people like me can follow them. I’m not worthy being the person who sets the rules of being the person who is Unapologetic. I’m just not the main character im the background. I don’t know how to change

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

If you think about what will happen in the future always, you won’t be able to move ahead and be stuck where you are right now, you would also agree, right?

Start with it and after the consequences, you can take the action. What if it works in your favor? That will be good, right but you need to take a small step. 🌼


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