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AGirlHasNoName @agirlhasno...

I don’t know if I made a mistake or that maybe things could’ve been worked out. But I miss you. I miss you terribly, I love you helplessly. I can’t stop blaming myself, I can’t lift off this heaviness off my chest. And I don’t know how will I live with it henceforth.
Is love really enough for a relationship to go on? It isn’t. But maybe things could’ve been worked out.
I don’t know. But I’ll always love you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eager_sassy_3
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Who’s he?🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eager_sassy_3

Was @eager_sassy_3

I believe love is enough for a relationship. Everything else can be worked out. But love is the only valid currency in a relationship. If there is everything else but not love then it won’t last. But, you must not blame yourself as everyone wants to be happy and thus chooses to do something that he or she believes will make him or her happy.


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