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I Dont know how to explain but im really sad and depressed these days. My girlfriend is about to breakup with me she said she is losing feelings for me because of our fights . It was never a fight but i felt like i wasnt getting any priority i told her nicely with the hope that she will understand and let me know that i am still her priority no matter what. But i all got was fights i told her i needed the reassurance and still she couldnt say that she loved me so talk happened that was this so called fight. Maybe it was bc i am expecting her to treat me as the same way i treat her but still i do need a bit of care and love. All i got was this i got even more broken. And i dont have people to share these with and in college i dont have anyone to share with. The ones i have are also busy with their saily life and its not fair to bother them everytime but i know they will be there for me shen i need them but as days are going im getting more sad i dont want to talk to anyone i am not studying for my finals . All my life i have gave people priority love and care to my level best but not getting it when we need the most is really painfull i really thought i found my one pur realtion was about to cross 3.5 years and not even once she had made me feel that she dosent love me but all happend suddenly it was really unexpected

5 replies

Bro I’ve recently broken up with my gf… trust me i went through all this tujhe lagega tu rukega time dega toh relationship Better hogi pr trust me bro she made her mind months ago before telling you cuz that’s what they always do. It’s not your fault you’ve been treating her so well that she’s taking it for granted
The only one thing that could save your relationship will be if you show her that you can break up with her too you don’t need her that’s the only way if she has some feelings emotions left for you
Tell her I’m breaking up you don’t prioritise me and walk away from her from her ig snap let her txt you don’t reply wait for a month if she really loves you or still has feeling she’ll come back if not she’s long gone brother don’t let yourself into an emotional breakdown phase that’s extremely tough to move on from


But she promised that she love me its just to clarify whether she is losing feelings bc of the fights that we are currently taking a break … should i give her a chance?

Btwn how are you man you holding up okay?


Sun bhai she would want you to fucking understand her side in a fight if she loves you and the moment she has lost feelings for you she doesn’t love you anymore instead of understanding and working out towards the fight she’ll just get angry irritated and will fucking show like this relationship is becoming so hard for her
Don’t fucking give her a second chance you’ll loose her for sure and yourself as well
She promised you? And how many of those promises has she kept, ask yourself


I dont know really what to decide coz what youre saying is making sense …Thanks bro i will surely take care of it

Hope youre doing fine❤️


Your lesson here is to give all that love and attention that you’ve been so generously giving to others to yourself. Start prioritising yourself. Focus on yourself! You’re so desperate for someone else to love you and validate you that you’ve forgotten your own self worth. I’m sorry if I’m being rude. But wake up! You deserve so much better! You deserve the most loving and healthy relationship. Why do you want to be with such a person anyway? You need to learn about setting healthy boundaries, trauma bonding and attachment styles. Educate yourself, focus on your healing and believe that there are good people out there. Have faith and you’ll find her. I hope you’ve learnt to differentiate between the girl you want and the girl you actually ‘need’. And as per your description, she clearly is not the right person for you. The sooner you admit it, the happier you will be. Thank her for showing you her true self and move on. And work on building your confidence again. Good luck!


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