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I don’t know how should I even start !! Lately i have been feeling very stressed out , i have been procrastinating like anything it’s been long i haven’t touched my books , I have projects and practicals to do even have unit test which are gonna soon start but i have no motivation ; i just say to myself that yeah enough we gonna start from tomorrow and ofcourse it doesn’t end up being that. I have been feeling so guilty for not studying and before i used to pretend it’s okay now no more I can fake pretend to myself that yeah it’s fine. I have been regretting about my break up like maybe i have destroyed someone’s life even I broke because of him being toxic i don’t know what’s happening life is going on pathetic ✨🤌

6 replies

If you have faced this issue for a long time, its better if you consult a psychologist or an expert in it. All those motivational videos, planning and the rest is hardly useful if you have a medical condition that needs medical attention


Yeah that’s right ; Thank you

Anand @anand_2250

Hey Buddy, look ups and downs are part of life, when we r down we feel the way u r feeling but the thing to understand is that this is also temporary. Even if u r able to study for 10 minutes then that’s a great begining too. Do not be too harsh on yourself. Give yourself time. After a vehicle is down, it takes time for it pick up pace, don’t if u r slow rt now, just keep going…one step at a time !!!..don’t be harsh to yourself.


That’s really so nice of you !! thank you for your kind words they actually made me feel like yeah it’s gonna be fine. thank you ; would surely love to have a talk with you


Connect with @pushkar254 for help. Good in nuberlogy and astro logy to find good solutions


I kind of went through something similar during my boards exam so I’ll say that you should stop being so hard on yourself and it’s ok to not get everything done but if it is really stressing you out then I’d suggest that you ask a friend or classmate to study together. The surrounding plays a big role in how you are feeling so try to be around people who motivate you. And please don’t feel guilty about breaking up with a toxic person because not many people have the courage to break free from it. Trust me,You are really brave, believe in yourself.


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