Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Nitya Jayanth @nityaj

I don’t know how i feel . It feels like I’m having constant emptiness inside. I don’t even know how to label the feeling that I’m experiencing rn.

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14 replies

Same situation

Nitya Jayanth @nityaj

I hop we’ll find peace soon

Dipanshu @mr_dk

Yep same to you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ikea

ikea @ikea

It feels like we’re in deep shit but we’re not…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pushkar254

Pushkar @pushkar254

Felling of emptyness bz of unfulfilled desire?

Nitya Jayanth @nityaj

Might be a reason…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyansh98

Priyansh Garg @priyansh98

Its a void that you feel. It happens when suddenly a thing to which you used to devote a lot of your time vanishes.
1. It can be some one you loved and they broke up with you.
2. It can be someone you loved and they are no more in this world.
3. It can be a project or exam you were working on with full dedication and you failed or were removed from the project ( this happened to APJ abdul kalam sir).
4. It can be a void after you jave achieved “The goal” of your life( abhinav bindra felt this after he won a gold medal in olympics).
And many more instances.

You feel lonely because you find no one with whom you can share this feeling or you are not able to explain the feeling to anybody.
And eventually you will realise that you have yo dind self contentment to find satisfaction

Nitya Jayanth @nityaj

That’s so convincing. Thanks for sharing!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyansh98

Priyansh Garg @priyansh98

Happy I could help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @raam

Ram @raam

We will heal 🤍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jay_rohith02

Rohith tiwari @jay_rohith...

Try adapting to be alone and spend some with self and get yourself know more! That doesn’t you shouldn’t hangout with friends or something. It’s just a process to heal ✨ well and back again stronger!

zaid @zeedd

In that situation ,take 3 deep breath and relax everything is gonna get fyn ,universe is watching you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yashwant125

yash @yashwant125

Just remember “this too shall pass”

shiva miagra @shiva14325

Hiii nitya i wanna talk about you


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