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I don’t have nobody to talk to or to help me understand a situation so I can better it

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How do you be more open and supportive to a woman without coming off as annoying


First make people comfortable talking with you… Once they are comfortable start being more open and supportive… And remember… You might not be vibing with everyone!


I do make people comfortable talking to me, I’m just not the conversation starter, it’s really more to explain to be honest


Then explain … No one is stopping you!


Well the girl I’m currently is in love with, I believe she is carrying my unborn son and I want to be more open and supportive around her but she says when I’m around her it like I try to be invisible


May be should sit together and talk to her so that you can figure things out.


Yeah I’m down for that I guess telling her all at one time should better the situation a bit


Do it then.!


I will try but she currently mad at me, like saying she over it and stop texting her but I haven’t done nothing wrong


Talk to her sit with her! That’s the only thing can make things better … For now.


I will try I pray 🙏🏾 for the family I want to be with


Hey buddy i could help


How do you be more open and supportive to a woman you love physically without coming off as annoying or being an asshole


How do you show that you love your woman physically without coming off as annoying


Byy just cuddling her how she likes … just being their for her and like creating a soothing and calm environment… no talking just sitting nd being their for her i guess


That’s the thing I want to cuddle her but she won’t even let lay with her with my clothes on, then when I take them off she think I’m trying to get it on but really I’m just try to get on the bed but she let her friend lay on there and her brother 🤷🏾‍♂️


Ohh then ask her wht she wants i guess


Currently she wants me to stop talking to her, but I’m a person who believes in loving one person and I know my heart is with hers and I feel like she carrying my unborn child as well so there that


But buddy i think she needs space and its best if you give her cause otherwise it would only mess up things more … nd if she is pregnant then pls give her wht she needs cause her mental state should be ur priority at tht time


I completely understand that, that’s what I want to show her, that I’m there to be supportive and to help with anything that needs to be done


Then just be their how she needs okay everything will work out buddy praying and wishing you all the bestt🤗🤗


I’ll try I just wish it a better way to make everything okay


You can talk to me :)


How do you be more open to the woman you love without coming off as annoying


Just be your normal self. We try to over do it when we like someone so treat her & talk to her as if you’re talking to a friend. Hope this helps.


How do you be more open to a woman you support and love with coming off as annoying

vaani @shadowworld

I don’t mind helping you

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Satyam Agarwal @satyaa

With or without coming out as annoying??
Please drop your solutions for this one I’m going through the same🥲


Me too I was told when I’m around her she said it’s like I’m trying to be invisible 💭


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