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Lisa sd @lisasd

I don’t get wtf is wrong with him he just canceled our dye which was gonna happen after a long just because of his friend who was in trouble like not even a close friend it’s like my feelings doesn’t matter I wanted to be with him and was so excited to go but fuck him I m never gonna go out with him again, maybe I am wrong because I am angry…but y should I be the one to understand the situation.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ahamsingh
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ahamsingh

Aham @ahamsingh

I thought you should go and talk to him about this problem because the more you talk it will easier to figure out. Everything will be alright ❤


May be you should talk to him and either you help him or not but try to understanding the problem and imagine what would you have done if you were in his place , and still if you feel you are right then you are good to go with your decesion.

Lisa sd @lisasd

Thnx, and I guess nice people do exists…like I got some toxic people around me but thnx anyways

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Amd the fact is , our owns are toxic because they don’t even try to get our feelings, and sometimes it’s not their fault , they just grew up with same minded peoples, SOMETIMES.

Borson terang @terang


Arif Khan @haider_khan

Hi dear

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

We don’t know much about him so can’t actually comment on that. But I think if he is so caring as it sounds, you should feel proud on him. That you have that guy into your life.
Being selfish is easy. But doing something for someone in need is a way more bigger than being selfish.

Lisa sd @lisasd

I guess u were right he is so kind and can never say no to anyone bit he is perfect I guess and thnx for u help guys u really made my day a bit easy

Sanket @sanket

You are not wrong and your anger is legit from your perspective. However i would like you to perceive in a different way. He is helping a friend in need, perhaps an act of kindness and gratitude, which makes the bond stronger. You should also be proud of him


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