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I don’t feel that nice these days just had a break up as my ex gave up didn’t commit to me he thought dating will distract him and he won’t be able to handle the carreer part we dated for a month but still I feel miserable I loved him with all my heart and never thought we will end this soon wanted it to last forever and I so want someone that I end up doing mistakes like if I find a great guy around me I just propose to them and its bad I am ruining good bonds

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
5 replies

See, the fact that he was about to go away from you, it’s clear that he didn’t want you enough. And I totally understand that you really need someone to confide in but trust me, that’s not how relationships work. You can’t just for to be in one. I’d suggest rather than ruining the bonds you have, make new ones and maybe try there. Atleast you’ll not lose something. Also, try to distract yourself. Keep yourself busy if such thoughts run into you. And always remember you didn’t lose anything, the guy lost someone who loved him! Come on, it’s not the end of the world. Cheer up and make new bonds maybe on dating apps! :))


Thanks a ton this was so helpful and motivating ❀️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


I am assuming it to be a teenage relationship where a month relationship is being so hurtful and wanted a forever and loved that person.
It’s good that you are in search of a forever, happy ending, in reality, it does happen but having expectations and not turning that way can lead to you being sad. So, a quick suggestion: don’t expect or at least don’t expect someone to fulfill that for you, or if you do take responsibility if it doesn’t turn out that way.

Also, be practical while coming into a relationship. You don’t have to commit fully to the person (being in a one-month relation). You obviously need to be honest, loyal but just like dedicate his full time to you and all that, nope.
And, some people are not comfortable in knowing that you like them if they don’t have the same for you and can ruin the friendship/bond you had so make a smart choice or if you feel you want to express it, go ahead and be prepared for the consequences.

I hope it helps!πŸ’œβœ¨


You seem to be a really nice person thanks a ton reading that was helpful πŸ’›πŸ’›

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199




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