Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I don’t feel happy. I don’t feel sad. I just feel like a failure; a forgotten chore; the unshakable thoughts of regret; the heavy weight of guilt. I feel stupid, useless and boring. I want to leave, to run, to sprint. I also have nowhere to go. I’m angry when people look at me; ‘Don’t waste your time. I can’t help you.’ I can’t even help myself.

5 replies

Bro don’t lose your hope


I don’t think that I have anything to hope for.


You exist for a reason. Find it

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Even in dark times like this remember to think of yourself like others like a valuable thing. When you see others you would do something evil towards them right? Because they have feelings and thoughts and that is how you are you have our own unique thoughts than others so remember how valuable you are. Indulge in some guilty pleasure you have may that be shopping or going out to your favorite restaurant even binge watching something but make it be something you can get positive inspiration from


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