Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I don’t feel happy anymore in my life!!! I feel empty. I start crying out of nowhere. I feel like I m gonna left behind! I feel as if Everyone is achiving and settling with good and I m gonna be a looser!! I just don’t feel good.

3 replies

Kushagra @kushagra

Let me paint a picture for you, visualize a highway and you are sitting next to it, and watching all the vehicles going by, when you see someone rash driving you always think this is not correct! Now apply this analogy to yourself watch your thoughts like you are sitting next to highway as they go by and point out the bad thoughts and since now you know those bad thoughts start to analysis why you got that feeling, start the reverse engineering for that reach to the solution, i always do it, its best for mental peace or if something bugging you inside


It’s easy to visualise or think as a third person but when it u are the driver, u might not understand that how rash u r driving. Or sometime u know u r driving too fast n it’s gonna be dangerous but still u ignore knowing or unknowingly.

Kushagra @kushagra

Anything takes practice, what i feel is I have started doing this using guided meditation. One more thing u can never ignore slightest negative feeling u have inculcated in your mind it will definitely going to haunt you somewhere in near future when you feel low or surrounded by tough decision so that’s why clear all trash, analysis thoughts daily and at last practice…


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