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I don’t feel happy anymore. I don’t feel anything actually, not happy, not sad. I feel numb. And everything around feels awkward and uncomfortable. My office, my friends, even my own house feels uncomfortable. I feel this rush to run away from everyone but I don’t feel the energy to go anywhere. It’s not even that I had an argument with someone in recent days.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unfilledbeermug
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @unfilledbeermug

idk @unfilledbeermug

You should look for mental peace
Go visit Haridwar or Rishikesh
It also happens with me sometimes
And visiting such places always help me to deal this☺️


Rishikesh has always been on my list, couldn’t visit due to personal reasons

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unfilledbeermug

idk @unfilledbeermug

I usually visit there in 2-3 months
When it starts to feel numb and confusing here
Please try to get out for few days from wherever you are


There’s nothing wrong with a numbness of emotions, it means you’re undergoing a change.


it’s hampering my everyday routine, i’m not able to function properly


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