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Self EsteemThought


I don’t feel good about being dependent on my family financially I am 22 and want to be independent but this vividh thing is messing up with my head sometimes it feels like okay!! This to shall pass but sometimes it’s worst I feel I all is is getting me nowhere and it triggers me and I start over thinking about it . I try to keep my thoughts positive but still some days are worst than the others . Deep down I know this is just a phase this to shall pass . Just trying to keep myself calm .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
5 replies

I am 24 n rest evrythng is same as u mentioned. Yes I tho shall pass


Hey thankyou for replying . Yes let’s stay strong this to shall pass


🤭 flock of same feather stays together.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

22. Add me in the flock🙈


haha welcome to clan


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