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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

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akks @akkss

I don’t even know what I should do . My boyfriend always threatens me that he ll die if i leave him , but eh always try to blame me and call me whore everyday that makes me feel bad . I don’t feel the same energy in myself since I met him .

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akks @akkss


Yes self respect always matters i ll just try my best

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akks @akkss


Yes what you said is so true . I ll just let him do anything he wants if he’s coward enought to do that let him do

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akks @akkss


Yes thank you i ll do my best to gain my self again

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If he wanted to suicide he would’ve done it long ago. If he tries anything go to police. You have to leave him for yourself

akks @akkss


Yes i should do it . That’s the online option


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