Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

ken o @kstud

I don’t belong in this world. I keep getting rejected for the jobs i wan’t, i keep getting denied social security, i have no source of income, i got bills i may half to pay and got no support. My depression has been severe, been having trouble falling asleep lately, i don’t feel cared for or valued. I feel like there no good luck for me i am always treated like shit. The world, the government and the work force can go fuck it’s self. I feel i am nothing with not getting anywhere in life. My life sucks right now. I want to kill my self. I don’t belong here.

2 replies

hey i know it sounds ridiculous as a stranger from the internet but life is stunning, wonderful, and brilliant. but that being said sometimes it’s absolute shit! like absolute SHIT! and it’s unfortunately a balance and you just have to try and wait for the good stuff to come around because it will most definitely come. it’s hard to hear that right now but please just don’t give up you have so much life left and so much good to receive and to offer. you’re worth more than your lowest, no matter what!


Your presence is important and thought it may not be evident to you today - I promise that your story matters and that you should see it out (the good and the bad)


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