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3am ThoughtsThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayshasim

sim @ayshasim

I dnt think ill ever get better or have it all together. Every day i try to convince myself it is just a phase things will gt better, better days r ahead but it inly gwts worse

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunny04
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bawanjit singh @bawan

Just dont worry, be positive and everything will be okay, just try to do things you love to do, if u wanna share anything or need any help feel free to reach me out


Time heals, remember this…Just be strong and focus on something u like… Wat exactly is bothering you?




Attachment to people? things?




If ur attached to someone then did u convey it to them?


I did

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunny04

Sunny Seth @sunny04

I feel you and believe that I’m on the same page :))


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