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I didn’t want to write about this, but I can’t take it anymore. My boyfriend and I had been in a private relationship and decided to finally tell our closest mutual friend about it. So we did. We expected her to be angry at first, but then calm down. But she reacted really strangely. She screamed at us through texts and said that she should’ve been the first one to know about this relationship. The guy I’m dating had also been in a relationship with one of our other mutual friends but it was really toxic and the girl broke up w him all of a sudden one day. I happened to comfort him and now we grew really close and are dating. So initially I was really scared of our relationship. I thought I might lose some of my friends which I probably will if I tell everyone. So yeah, about our friend, she didn’t reply to our calls or messages and yesterday she also went out w some of her other friends she didn’t tell me about, I really broke down at that 0oint. My boyfriend isn’t that much affected and is angry at her because she behaved very badly. I’ve been texting my friend but she isn’t answering and I’m too scared to call. Some people are saying that she’s toxic and I should go away from her but I can’t. I love her a lot and really can’t lose her. What should I do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
7 replies

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

You don’t like it when she went out with her other friends now think about how did she felt when you told her about your relationship.
It’s nothing just apologize to her.
And how do you call her your bestfriend if things went down this far if i my bestfriend gets angry at me all i do is make him even more angry😂 that you’re not allowed to give that attitude.
Just tell her that you made a mistake and everything will goes down smoothly.


When did I say that she’s my best friend? And I apologized to her, wrote her a big paragraph. And I did’t feel bad because she went out with her other friends, I felt bad because i was there for her through everything and she can’t forgive me once.

Shalin Gupta @shalin99

Well if she’s not that of a good friend then why bother.
Honestly i wouldn’t care any less let her be what she wants.


Just give her some time to absorb all that you guys told her…it might not be easy to get it altogether… Everything will be alright…
If she loves you as you do…she will understand everything … Just give her some time…

And there is nothing toxic about her…its just her disappointment that she didn’t come to know about it at the earliest…❣❣

Hope you have a great day✨✨


Yeah. But the fact is I couldn’t tell her much. She didn’t listen. Anyways, you’re right. Maybe I should give her time. Thank you💕


She didn’t listen now bcoz she expected it at the very moment your relationship started…and its alright,everybody has different reactions to all that we do…hers is like this 🤷‍♀️…

Happy to help ✌️✨❣

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Even if she isn’t your best friend but matters so much you mentioned in your last lines, you should have told her if her actions would affect you and they are.

Also, if you hide the whole part why can’t she go out with other friends without informing you even if you had been with her through thick and thin. She too has the right similar to what you had. It’s mutual and usually out of anger or fights we tend to skip telling all this.

Now, go and talk to her and if she doesn’t respond which she isn’t give her space and time to process, and she should come back and talk since you took the efforts and first step to make it right. 🌼🌈


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