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I didn’t stay anonymous because I want people to know me even though I’m over looked so many times for this or that like the gay world is so harsh if your not a skeleton or fit with a huge you know what then people don’t even so much as respond to a kind gesture when that’s all you mean it’s really sucks and it really hurts that it’s so hard to get people to see you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mylostsoul
2 replies

Hey dude!
I know the people, the society always try to fit people in some categories and yes it sucks a lot!!
But know that no matter who we are, we all are HUMANS, there are different shades of people here and there but that doesn’t mean that we are just an alien or smthg!
Let people say what they wanna say, we all are ‘unique’ and ‘special’ in our own ways!
So, no matter what, you are a star dude!!✨
A big hug from my side!!❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mylostsoul

Adam Joiner @mylostsoul

Awe man thank you so much it feels so good when people have hearts like mine I feel blessed from even this little gesture.


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