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I did this to myself. I put myself in this pickle
Let me rewind a bit - things are a little slow in my coaching. Anyways, It might sound creepy but I tend to side eye this guy who sits two rows away from me, and my god he is breathtaking . So, I have been staring at him and there were times he looked too. Just looked. Nothing else, and those looks were only because he was borrowing things from someone. Anyways, I like him, but I stop myself because I shouldn’t like him because I need to be serious about my studies. I stop myself, promise myself to stop looking at him, and then fall over again in this cycle and I am miserable, annoyed, stupid and what not.
Please suggest me anything to get out of this crap cycle. To be human is so hard! So many feelings

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khushisfine24
3 replies

Just go talk to him once. Ask him an extra pen or something. I usually lose interest after I talk to some of my crushes.


Just go first aske for a frienddhip and then go on❤

Profile picture for Now&Me member @khushisfine24

khushi @khushisfine24

suffering from the same thing but you know what let those wanderous eyes look what they want to look at don’t stop them ❤️…


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