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3am ThoughtsThought


i did everything i told myself i would do. i have my dream body, i picked up a hobby (painting), i found my perfect skin care routine, i’m doing well in college, and other things so why the hell am i not happy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @celineong
17 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @celineong

Celine Ong @celineong

You are great. Believe in yourself more


thank you :)


Because you’re looking for happiness in things that can disappear. Happiness comes from inner peace, be okay with yourself irregardless of what you do or look like

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yeah. thanks


Just bcz u don’t believe in yourself 🙂


not sure how to


It’s knowing that whatever happens, you’ll have your own back, you’ll be comfortable with your decisions irregardless of the result because it was a decision made by you. Believing in yourself is easy, telling yourself positive things and having nice thoughts about yourself, thanking yourself for all you’ve done


First try to understand the inner of u…


Me too,I lost weight,got clear skin,i love to read ,but somedays i just feel the void

lonely @gorfadvijay

that is common any level of people


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