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I deleted my social media account and still I feel numb and without any peace . Is deleting social media account even a good idea to get some peace and away from all the people.?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @poetry
4 replies
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As someone who knows how the algorithms work and who constantly uses these algos to peddle products that people don’t need, just to make a purchase happen, by abusing people’s insecurities, trust me you’re better off without it. Give it 4 weeks. You’ll see that you sleep better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @poetry

Sim @poetry

Maybe or maybe not… One suggestion you won’t feel alone or numb if you give yourself that time which you earlier used for social media play outside dance sing… Explore new places… Relax a bit focus on other elements of life than people…don’t think u need some other ppl you are enough for yourself I’ll give u one suggestion grab some chips put on some loose comfy clothes watch Netflix take a nap… Chill… I know how bad all this is. But I personally try not to be lost in this world cause what I’ve found here are the most cruel things and yup some good things too if we sit weighing both and balancing both our life Will be a waste give your life some time. One day all the pieces together will join this puzzle. For now… as a teenager a 17 year old teenager I advise you Love yourself praise yourself click some pichas of yourself dress up yourself give yourself a treat binge netflix and enjoyyyy… Ittu si Zindagi hai dusro k baare mein sochne mein q waste kare


Thank you honey 💛 it was really helpful 😊


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