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I dated this guy for like 3 months or smthing . The way our relationship started was really bad . He cheated on his ex to be with me .and then few weeks later we had problems relating to him not having properly moved on from his ex.then after few months eveything was going proper until I kind of started losing feelings.i don’t know what is happening to me. I feel like I am not treating him proper in this relation . Somone please tell me what to do . While I was in a relationship with him I started getting attracted to another guy. I feel like I’m doing a lot of mistakes and not learning from them . Somone please tell me what to do .

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Thanks !

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Take a break from the relationship for now . I mean don’t date anyone for few months . You will know what you want to do when you will be spending alone time with yourself and also you will be finding what is missing in your life …


Yes, Thankyou . But I feel like I can’t take proper decisions 😭


Then don’t take it … i mean that’s what I said. Just take a break. You will take good decisions when you are free


You have fight with him?


Not really but he is angry at me




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