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I constantly feel the need to text my ex boyfriend. He was also my very best friend. I miss him every day. I dont want to contact him because that is going to make me look like an idiot.

5 replies

I can understand this situation it happens but it will heal you with the time don’t worry
Love from Madhya Pradesh
Spread love 🌸




Oh nice


I would suggest it is an indication tht u need to work on yourself. Finding someone else just to fill up emptiness is not right. Work on yourself and u might feel better. I m not the right person to tell you if u should or shouldn’t text him bcz I m dealing with the same confusion and it’s so painful to be in such a place . I hope we ll know what to soon💛🌈


It’s a shame you’re going through such a tough time right now. Few things in life are more painful than the loss of a loved one. Your situation, in fact, reminds me of this ancient wisdom: “Heartache crushes the spirit.” -Proverbs 15:13

Were you aware that heart break often causes the same pain as the death of a loved one?


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