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I confessed to him finally and now I feel guilty

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dullmelody
14 replies

Why…what happened…why are you feeling guilty


It’s just that we’ve been friends and the thought of ruining the friendship makes me feel guilty


Its okay re…you gave your 100 percent…maybe he doesnt want you to be his life partner…he might be having some other plans…you may not feel gulity…you may take some positives from this situation…and you may move forward


Thank you


If you wanna talk more about anything…we may connect

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Thank you 😇

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He said he wanted to be friends…… I knew he would say that but still I confessed because I wanted a clear answer so that I no longer have to keep going back to ifs and maybes and finally move on with my life

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Thank you

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dullmelody

anonymous @dullmelody

Confession isn’t a bad thing, if it makes you feel guilty at the end of the day trust me you didn’t do anything wrong you rather chose to confess which is a brave move and I’m proud of you for that


Thank you 😇


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