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I come from a family where my parents are not educated. I didn’t know about education or anything related to it after 10th. I just went along with it and made my decision listening to the advice of my cousins, relatives, neighbours and lots of other meddlesome people. I had good grades in 10th so people opted for me to go for science branch. After science my cousin did engineering so people were like you should do it too and I started to feel at that time that it was the purpose of my life. So I went head on and gave my all. But do you know a funny thing, after one month of searching and desparation for admission, I learnt that you need a need a fees in the amount of lakhs to get an admission but the condition of my family was not that good. So did what was available, which was to go for student loan but that also didn’t go through bcz i was too young at that time and they were like you are not reliable enough to pay it back and we can only give you the loan after 2 years. The idiot me did not even think of going for a backup that is bsc. I did not fill the admission bcz i thought at that time that i will get an admission in engineering. So at last i did BScIT in the worst possible college and i did it bcz it was the only thing possible or i would have to wait a whole year for the admission in a good college.

Now i have just recently completed my graduation and i don’t know what to do because i don’t have an interest in IT but my studies is in IT. I don’t know what my passion is nor do I know what i even like. I am just so confused.

5 replies

…Don’t think about past…dont know which state you are from …i have seen your situation clearly because I saw the same situation in life… Degree is just a piece of paper to join in any job… Once you get job in any field degree or masters degree no one will think about it… It’s just a qualification… Don’t say that you don’t like IT. If you want job in this situation try job in IT or study for govt jobs there are so many notifications like SBI, Railways and so on… If you need any guidance connect me I will guide if you like… Guide in the sense will give you options


I know degree doesn’t mean anything but i want to find out what I want in life, i just don’t know where to start looking or how to start looking.


1) there’s no job that anyone likes 100%. You like a vision/purpose and then you do 70% things you won’t do otherwise but once you’ve committed on your vision, you have to do it anyway. For example, a writer can’t just be a writer nowadays. He needs to network, market, research. But a successful one does everything until he becomes successful enough to automate, outsource and delegate and even then he has to go in award shows, appearances, sign thousands of copies. So nobody likes every part of the job. Not your regular bank clerk nor does Elon Musk. But they do coz they have to or they are mediocre ones.

2) if you’re confused about what you like most … what about choosing top 6 and doing each of them for 6 months one after the other. That’s 3 years of practical sh*t, you will still young af. And then quadruple down on what you like to get to your highest level.

Simple! One way not to do is to overthink instead of plain action.


Okay will do it.


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