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3am ThoughtsThought


i cant get away from you. i don’t want you bc you hurt me and frankly i don’t think you want me either but you can’t stand the idea of me being with anyone else right? why do you meddle into everyone of my possible relationships and ruin it? why do you comment on my posts as if we were dating? you were the one who cheated on me with some random girl, you were the one who spread lies, and you were the one who hurt me the most. please leave me alone

2 replies

Hemendra Jain @manifer

Hey buddy
Don’t worry about this there are easier ways to come over this work on yourself , leave the toxic people and toxicity out of your life , focus on your better being and love yourself the most then someday someone will come who will love you the way you deserve to be loved till then ignore and try to stay away from him
If you want talk about it or anything else
Remember I am there for you
You can message me anything


yeah you’re right! thanks for the support!


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