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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66

Sam @sam66

I can’t bring myself to study… I really can’t… I’m struggling with this for months… I want to study but I just CAN’T

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio
Profile picture for Now&Me member @casey06
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66
13 replies

what distracts you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66

Sam @sam66

I don’t know:(. What do you think it could be?


it’s different from person to person, for some its social media, for some its their anxiety, for some it’s their fun time and all

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66

Sam @sam66

What shall I do? I’m failing classes

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

Try doing small tasks other than study. Something as small as doing chores, something which will make you feel lil productive by doing.


Just take that thought from ur mind…and relax do smtng u like for a while then… Try to clear ur thoughts…you will get through this…

Why @whyamihere

Happens to be best of us.
Consider seeing a guidance counsellor ? Or one of your teachers ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66

Sam @sam66

To tell them what exactly? I’m a stupid lazy procrastinater?

Why @whyamihere

See you need to stop thinking of it this way

But tell them that you’re finding it difficult to study and you need some help or guidance

You obviously aren’t the first kid to go through this … someone will help you out ….

And look ik someone he’s actually taken a gap semester because he couldn’t bring himself to study.

You will be fine

Profile picture for Now&Me member @casey06

Casey @casey06

I know how you feel.


This is so relatable


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