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Long Distance RelationshipThought

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I came out of a relationship 3 hours ago. This relationship lasted for almost 5 years. He is a very kind and caring person. I felt safe with him. He’s also my first love. We are also engaged but my parents urged him to marry soon. Two months back he started to be distant and irritated because of that. We have been in a long distance relationship from the start and I’m an introvert girl. He’s a hyperactive and distracted guy. He always took me for granted. So it affected me deeply. But after the two months after he started to become distant, it became unbearable. He wanted me to study cat and get good package. Even though I don’t have interest in it, I agreed for him. Even after that we were still talking like strangers. It hurt me so much. My parents saw me cry twice over him. I told him how I felt numerous times but he just snapped at me each time. I wanted this relationship to work so much. Today again I pleaded and begged him to talk normally but he just said to concentrate in cat. I felt that he would start talking to me normally only after clearing cat. I wondered if I want a love like that. I tried many times to break up with him but I still go back to him each time. So 3 hrs ago, I told him I’m breaking up with him and this time I’m trying to be strong in my decision. Is my decision correct or am I just overthinking it?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya05
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya05


Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya05

First of all just be calm




Heya, first of all as an introvert i know how it feels to be taken for granted… but he is an extrovert from your explanation… which means he is surrounded by ppl. he wanted you to crack cat i dont know the reason behind… but if he truly loves you he would not force you into something which you are not interested… may be he wants high status… but once decision taken never look back… so your the only one who is suffering a lot begging for love… he just ignores it… Better you stay focus on cat and answer him with flying colors…





Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya05

See as you said you are not interested in CAT so if you start studying forcefully then you are not able to clear. See first of all focus on your carrier what you want to be what are your dreams and start hustling for your dreams and when you get your dream job or what you wanted to be then with same care same feeling or more than that you will get better than him.


Okayy. Thanks😊


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