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Profile picture for Now&Me member @buzz

Rose @buzz

I came here thinking its a safe space but from my first post i have people being judgemental and rude. So disappointed.

6 replies

That’s so rude

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Sweety its okay avoid that lme person other suggested good things look at that and peolle are fighting with hin causr he is wrong…stay strong


hey, don’t think this is not a safe place. Just cause few talk rudely doesn’t mean everyone’s like that.


Yeah people here do that. Also the site does that itself hate that
When that happens, I feel so unheard and unhappy


Hey, please don’t get carried away by those words. You are working hard. You have been working hard all these while. I know you can do it. I know you will slay this time, future doctor!!! Keep faith in yourself, revise, practice, repeat. You have a dream to achieve, so chase it. Fly so high that the stones people throwing at you now will never reach you at the first place.
Bestest of the luck to you! Give your 100%, and a seat will be at your doorstep.


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