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I broke up with my girlfriend 6 months back and I found that just today that she cheated on me. It is hurting me really bad because she told me the breakup was due to work pressure and stuff. I have respected her decision all this time until today I found out she started dating the guy I was doubtful about and she rubbished it when I confronted her. Guys how do I let go of this feeling of betrayal. I’m so hurt I can’t focus.

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young @younglord77

You just saved 6 months of not getting wasted.




Yes I mean the 6 months, it did help me in a way ki I have moved on and stuff this news is hurting me much lesser. But still its hurting me and I feel I am in pain and having these thoughts like how can she do this to me.


We can talk about this dude


People do more fuck up things that we don’t know of. So just hold yourself and think like something good happened to you.


Karma is bitch, it will come back to her
Don’t worry


I know. But I feel I’m the one suffering for some reason. It hurts really bad. I feel like I don’t deserve this suffering. I had moved on with a false narrative. Now that I know the truth it feels like I am in the beginning of my healing process now.


Are you ohk?


Doing okay but its still hurting me I don’t know how to cope with it.


It’ll always gonna hurt like a bitch brother…
But give it time the wound will start to heal and someday you’ll understand that she was never the right girl for you


Ik for 6 months after the breakup I thought it was right person wrong time. But now I have better clarity on how she did me wrong.


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