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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I broke up with my girlfriend 2 years ago after finding out that she was cheating on me. Now, she is suffering from cervical cancer and needs me for emotional support.
I have come a long way to get over her. She meant the world to me, but she chose to cheat on me. I came out of suicidal depression with a lot of difficulty and I don’t know whether or not I should help her and how to help… because now she is nobody to me.

What should I do?

3 replies

The trauma you’ve been through is very heavy. Ask yourself these questions-

1. Am I over her completely?
2. If the fact that I am not meeting her in her sickness is affecting me so much, am I really over her?
3. I obviously don’t know how things will go if I meet her, but even in the worst scenario, am I prepared to not get hurt by any of her actions?

It’s been two years. People do change. There’s no guarantee but only hope. Does she realise her mistake and regret it? Does she need you because she is in a bad phase right now and could really use your emotional vulnerability?

Please don’t fall into a pit you’ve made so much efforts climbing out of. Cervical cancer has treatments and will be cured. Depression has no treatment and a broken heart has no cure.


If you really think you are over her… I feel there is no problem in helping her out or supporting her emotionaly… There might be a few instances where you’ll think that you are falling fir her again but relax no … They aren’t feelings it’s just your memories bringing up everything subconsciously…
There must be a part of her really trusting you with her weaknesses…
If your involvement is helping her deal with it… Why not?
And yeah she might be a nobody to you but she’s a human… Humanity wins over everything… 💯


Don’t help. She is using you again for her emotional imbalance. Be smart and avoid her.


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