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i broke up with me bf today and im destory on the outside im happy but on the inside im a mess and im sorry if im doing this but i just want somewhere where i can wirte about this well type about it i just want to end this pain i love him but hes not ready and i wish he was but i worry that what if he only told me that so we break up and than he can go with another girl i hope thats not the case you may say that im to young to know what love is but i felt it when i was with him i felt free loved by someone for once what do i do how do i hande this pain im in love with someone who cant love me bakc and i told myslef not to fall in love and thats what i did and before we started to date i told him that i will never dat him and i did which was one of the best things that i did so can someone pls tell me what do with this pain

2 replies

You strongly believe you need to do this. Then its the right decision. Its just that break-ups are a bitch. It hurts like daggers. But you will be better. Because you know what you want. You being a mess is what supposed to happen because you feelings for this guy. You said it was the best thing that ever happened to you and it ended. So its evident you would be a mess. Be a mess completely. Now when you’re done being a mess get out and live your life. It was not around this guy and sure as hell won’t be around another.


If you want to talk this thread is open. Just leave a comment. I’ll be there.


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