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I am/was dating this girl for 2 years and 2 years of friendship before that. We were in long distance, things started getting a bit boring. But she suddenly out of nowhere decided to end things without even giving a single chance to mend things. I have been trying to convince her for a chance but she is not ready to listen. She asked to stay friends and she said she will use that time to clear her mind. I dont think friendship thing can work, I dont want to get friendzoned, so I asked her we can talk once she clears her head. Its been 5 days she hasnt sent a single message. I know she loves me but she is not feeling that much or something. I am getting mad what should i do? All I wanted is a chance to mend things.

5 replies

Hmm for saying about this we need to know whole problem like why things get boring and what were the circumstances when she said about breakup to process her mindset about the things


Give her as much time as she seeks but she surely has made up her mind already she knows what she wants so all you can do Is wait because if you’ll pressurize her you might make her annoyed and loose her forever


A woman never leaves all of a sudden. She must have wanted to end things multiple times earlier only ,but she gave chances and stayed. But if now she is done then she is done. Move On peacefully and let her move on as well , mention her clearly you don’t wanna be friends. Because according to me she doesn’t wanna be friends either , she was just being polite.


Bro move on


Know what was the reason for the breakup … because only on the basis that a relationship nobody ends a relationship talk about it with her as you were her best friend before talk with her with an open mind


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