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I am very much depressed today cause of my 12th standard mark sheet
I have studied a lot but the exams are not held due to covid-19
And the marksheet came based on the 10th result
I haven’t done good at 10th examination
But I have prepared a lot for the boards
My all friends got good marks but I got unexpected marks so less
Why always me God why

4 replies

Sansthita @sansthita

Aaye haaye, that sucks man. This pandemic really sucks. I feel your pain. It’s terrible not to get your dues, it’s terrible to not succeed despite putting all efforts. I know you feel frustrated and that’s OK. If God has put you in this mess, it’s His duty to take you out of here. Try to explore avenues, hopefully it will work out. Maybe try to change your stream for this year and then you can try again the next year? I wouldn’t advise you to drop a year. Maybe you can give the offline exam?


Thank you very much for your opinion
Mad yes this pandamic really sucks
And sorry I can’t change my stream cause my online tution class have already started before the admission and I have completed 20% to 30% of the syllabus
Ok I will make up my mind and I will fully try to not to drop my 1 year


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