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I am used to smoking up a marijuana joint everyday since the past 5-6 years now. I don’t drink but can’t seem to give up smoking up. I do it before I sleep after a full day’s work, helps me relax and sleep. I always thought I would quit one day but haven’t. It’s therapeutic but I feel I may be missing out on living to my fullest potential and want to quit forever (or maybe restrict to just one per week as a treat to myself). Any suggestions on how to do that and live a normal life? P.S I have also been smoking cigarettes since past 7 years and want to quit that too.

1 reply

You can’t stop everything in just a day. Try reducing it like first stop taking it for a day , then for two days , then put a week gap , and just like that keep on increasing the gap. That’s the only way you can stop it. Stopping wholly all of a sudden can cause you problems. So yeah I hope it helps for you.


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