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I am too fed up with myself and what keeps going on in my life every now and then. I keep overthinking and overreacting, oversharing without thinking about the consequences it will have on me and on the relations, I treasure the most. I literally lost everyone because of myself. I Broke my love’s heart and made him lose everyone too. I can never be good enough for anyone just a toxic shit who will always hurt people around her and with whom no one would ever want to come back. I really wish to turn back times so that I can mend my mistakes else I’ll keep living with the regret of losing him and breaking him my entire life, will be shutting myself inside a room and never coming out ever again.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Hey, I’ve made terrible mistakes in the past too. It sucked a lot! It took time to be at a better space. I still regret it at time’s of the things I did. But it’s much better. Trust me. You’re a good person if you realise you’ve hurt people. Just work on yourself now. Can talk more about this if you want. Can share personal experiences too :)


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