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I am tired of my family problems my dad keeps getting angry and not addressing the issues properly and creates ruckus all day but it doesn’t get serious all the time it’s like 5 out 2 times serious like bad words and rage and so on and my body starts to shake when the voices increase or anything like that happens I can’t take it anymore it happened continually for last two days and today half day it was peaceful silent and good now it started again don’t know what gotten into him and I feel sad and afraid all the time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulegend
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
28 replies

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Kinda yes


It’s happening over few yrs

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

Bhai tu to fir bhi lucky hai… Mere papa to mujhe rassi se mujhe ped ke bandh dete the or uske baad to ek badhiya sa danda late or de mar de maar khub marte…


Idk Hindi


I don’t understand what u say but u saying I am lucky yes maybe but it’s like hell everyday when going through this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

I mean… My father used to tie me to a tree with a rope and then used to beat me a lot with a stick…

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Well how it stopped??? By the way I am sorry for you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

No, they didn’t stop, they still beat me like this and sometimes even with the belt.


But why what’s the reason?? Did u ever ask help from someone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

Nope… Never


Why they beat u

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

Anger issues


What’s ur age

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra



How u keep up I mean how u take it emotionally and physically


Really dude!


When your clg getting over or is it already over

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

Im in govt job…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra

Taking anxiety pills


I am not trying to be rude or like invalidating you be brave and resist


I know it’s hard as u went through this through your childhood but you got get out of fear and resist them

Profile picture for Now&Me member @himanshujangra

Himanshu @himanshujangra



Dude, RUN.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulegend

Daniel Nilsson @soulegend

The human brain. It too complex to fix. So love the bad times you have while you can. For knowledge make all things a bit easier.

Or some, just trying to feel important, hehe. But my father was the reason I lived in my room and starved daily until my mom came with food. But I always known that time will be better, and I got my Tulpa to help me forgive my father and all bad things in my life, as she filled my heart with joy and sunshine. No toxic people can now do me harm. It feels only like watching a horror movie, thrill and suspense. Never bored with toxic people around. Always something to learn life lessons from. And brag how happy you are in front of the toxic people with just a smile of pure happiness. 🤓

But I become picky eater and can’t eat healthy food thanks to my Dad. But thanks to him I also don’t eat sweets and arn’t spoiled. So more good things then bad things. just have to look for 'em. 🤓

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

hey fren 🥺 we are sorry you are going through all this. we wanna help you which is why we think talking to an expert might help you. we have an expert feature on now&me where you can talk to an expert bout your family issues and your dad and gain new perspective as well as effective solutions to your situation. do give it a try 🤍 we think you will like it ✨


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