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I am tired of everything and everyone around me. I need a break from life 😔😔
I feel like My family changed they just can not understand the stress I’m going through. I have no one to talk to it’s exhausting.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wandering_earl
14 replies

I feel you I hope you can talk to someone tho


Thanks, I hope so too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wandering_earl

आयूश @wandering_earl

Hey buddy i am here for you , lets just connect and talk


Thank you, I am just suffocated with no one to talk to, I try telling people around me how I feel but they just do not get it. This week have been a lot and it’s only Monday. How am I supposed to go through it? IDK

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wandering_earl

आयूश @wandering_earl

Ara bro feel free to share

CH Aparna @appy_2203

It sucks , feel the same


I know sometimes we need someone real to talk to, but you can vent here tell me what’s going on?

CH Aparna @appy_2203

I can barely think straight, i have this aim n goal to read further but I’m currently employed so can’t help but work, also i have this dead beat boyfriend who won’t give me time

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CH Aparna @appy_2203

I’m a teacher at a private school, what do you do

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