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Suicidal IdeationThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I am suicidal today. Because I’ve been constantly hurt in my relationship because of my flaws. I am having a hard day

6 replies

Reyad Soliman @reyad

Every thing will be fine don’t worry 😊

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thank you for being strong. you can get through this, i believe in you and i will be rooting for you from afar! you are really brave for getting through each and every day when it’s not an easy task. take it slow and keep going, you got this!

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This means so much. l’m crying tears of joy. I hope you pray for me in whatever you believe in. It will work.


cry it all out, i promise to pray for you :) i’m glad you’re here in this world 😊


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