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3am ThoughtsThought


I am so tired. I am trying to uplift my mood by doing the most random things yet I feel stuck. I am so done pretending that I am okay, but what’s the point of even saying the truth when you don’t have anybody to listen to?
I want to feel fulfilled again. I want my ambitions back. I want my ambitious self back. I want things to fall back into place.
These years have been so rocky, that all I want to do is smooth sailing.
I keep coming back to Now&Me because I don’t have that kind of strong social support system. I am so done with societal labels and living up to their expectations.
I want to live according to my terms and want to do good.
I want to feel the lyrics of motivational songs again without thinking even once “what’s the point?” I want to feel glorious. I want to feel fulfilled, not stuck and empty anymore


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