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I am so done with my life. I have no one to talk too, I am just on my phone waiting for someone to text me or call me, I just surf on Instagram Facebook and Twitter and now I am tired of that, I am sad the whole day, can’t even go out for a drive alone, bored of watching Netflix, My only source of entertainment is going through memes on Instagram Facebook and now I am so bored that I can see the repeated ones, I don’t know what to do I am so done. I sometimes question myself that why do I even exist?
I am just sad because I don’t have anyone to talk too, even I want friends, what kind of sin I have done!

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are you not going to school? idk man it sounds like you are just stuck in this phase of doing nothing, start getting some hobbies, socializing, and putting the phone away. You ain’t gonna get anything done, especially not on your phone all day. You could try maybe decorating, getting into candles, try hairstyles, excerising, studying, reorganize your room.


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